
Скачать с Яндекс диска Liveclasses – Capture One Pro 21/22: Styles and Style Brushes

Скачать с Яндекс диска Liveclasses – Capture One Pro 21/22: Styles and Style Brushes

File Name:Liveclasses – Capture One Pro 21/22: Styles and Style Brushes
Content Source:https://liveclasses.ru/course/photo/capture_one_pro_21_styles_and_style_brushes/
Genre / Category: Photography
File Size :2.2 GB
Updated and Published:February 20, 2024
Product Details

This is a detailed and in-depth class on how to create your own styles, presets and style brushes in Capture One Pro 21/22. From the class you will learn in which situations it makes sense to use styles and in which to use presets or style brushes, learn how to mix styles, use them in layers and import third-party styles. Here you will see what the style “code” looks like and what settings should not be included in it, learn how to create technical styles for basic processing of exposure, color and metadata, learn how to create artistic styles with specific processing techniques and use third-party styles for inspiration. The teacher will show you how to manage your processing history using presets, teach you how to create style brushes for specific processing tasks, structure styles and assign hotkeys to them in macOS. Along with the class you will receive 9 unique styles and 5 style brushes.

Скачать с Яндекс диска Liveclasses – Capture One Pro 21/22: Styles and Style Brushes

Скачать с Яндекс диска Liveclasses – Capture One Pro 21/22: Styles and Style Brushes
