
Скачать с Яндекс диска Mastering Light – Shooting creating “Ghost Trails” with Bernard Bertrand

Скачать с Яндекс диска Mastering Light – Shooting creating “Ghost Trails” with Bernard Bertrand


In this video tutorial, I will share with you my “open flash” technic. I've been doing that kind of images for years, and have been commissioned by clients for those specific kind of images in the past.

I believe that mastering that technic will also give you a better understanding on measuring light, determinate exposure such as mixing two light sources together. In this case, an ambient light together with a flash light.

You will see the entire shooting, as well as through an hour backstage video, I will also comment those backstage videos. I’ll share with you the entire process, you’ll see me missing the right shoot and also getting it right.

As this technic also requires some practice, and as you probably will have to cope with some difficulties, I guess it will be helpful.

After all this shooting and technical part of the tutorial, and as usual, we will step into the post production process. Using both Lightroom and Photoshop, after a selection of images, I will show you the way I merge those shot together in order to create some strong final visuals. I will also show you some more advanced color grading technics that push the visual further, a question of taste… I hope you'll like it and take advantage of it with your own practice.

Who this course is for:

  • Photographer that wants to master an artistic technic with great effect
  • Beginner photographer and most advanced ones that want to master open flash technic away from "first and second curtain technic"


Скачать с Яндекс диска Mastering Light – Shooting creating “Ghost Trails” with Bernard Bertrand

Скачать с Яндекс диска Mastering Light – Shooting creating “Ghost Trails” with Bernard Bertrand
